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Open Walls Arles 2020 

Exposition du 26 juin au 5 septembre 2020

De 1854 Media & British Journal of Photography en collaboration avec la Galerie Huit Arles, OpenWalls Arles est un prix international de photographie conçu pour élever la carrière de photographes émergents et établis en exposant leur travail dans un lieu prestigieux et historique d'Arles.

Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer les 63 gagnants d’OpenWalls Arles 2020: 50 images uniques gagnantes et deux séries gagnantes de la catégorie «growth», ainsi que dix images uniques et une série gagnante de la catégorie «daily life».

Les gagnants de «daily life» présentent des perceptions puissantes du quotidien: des moments calmes qui en disent long sur la réalité d’un sujet; scènes apparemment banales qui, en vérité, ont une signification profonde. Nos lauréats «growth» présentent des représentations convaincantes du changement ou de la transition que ce soit sous la forme de croissance personnelle ou de changements dans la nature et l'environnement.

Les images ont été sélectionnées par un jury international composé de Julia de Bierre (Galerie Huit Arles), Fariba Farshad (Photo London), Gwen Lee (Singapore International Photography Festival and DECK) et Stephan Erfurt (C / O Berlin Foundation).


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© Meredith Andrews

Calling emerging and established photographers to submit work
responding to the theme: Growth

British Journal of Photography in collaboration with Galerie Huit Arles have announced
the second edition of OpenWalls Arles, an award aimed at creating opportunities for
emerging and established photographers. We are searching for up to 52 photographers
to be exhibited as part of a group show at Galerie Huit Arles alongside Les Rencontres
d’Arles 2020.
For the first time, the award is split into two categories. In the Series category,
photographers are invited to enter a body of work, consisting of up to 10 images. Two
winners will be chosen from this category and their series will be exhibited alongside
the 50 winning images that are selected from the Single Image category. The group
show at Galerie Huit Arles will run throughout July 2020.
We are calling photographers to respond to the theme: Growth. We will award 50
winning images, and two bodies of work that convey a sense of change or transition;
whether this be personal growth, or the changes we witness around us.

Owner & Director of Galerie Huit Arles, Julia de Bierre, states that she “decided to host
OpenWalls Arles as it is an exciting opportunity to create an outstanding curated
exhibition in an unusual setting. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, the largely pedestrian
town, twinned with the vibrant atmosphere of the festival, gives a delightfully
human-scale touch, just right for spontaneous networking, and interacting with the ‘who’s
who’ of the photography world.




Single Image category

● 50 winning images will be exhibited as part of a group show at Galerie Huit Arles
in Arles, France alongside Les Rencontres d’Arles in July 2020
● Receive international press coverage
● Be featured on BJP-online
● Have your worked judged by industry leaders

Series category

● Two winning series will be exhibited as part of the group show at Galerie Huit
Arles in Arles, France alongside Les Rencontres d’Arles in July 2020
● The two winners from this category will be flown to Arles for the opening of the
exhibition, with return flights and two nights of accommodation included
● Receive international press coverage
● Be featured on BJP-online
● Have your worked judged by industry leaders



Notes to Editors

About OpenWalls Arles

OpenWalls Arles is an international award, in collaboration with Galerie Huit Arles,
aimed at creating opportunities for emerging and established photographers. Through
this collaboration, we are able to open up the walls of Galerie Huit Arles to offer the
selected artists a wider platform to exhibit their work.
With OpenWalls Arles 2020, we are giving photographers the chance to exhibit their
work in a month-long group show, located in the city’s cultural heart. By entering this
award, your work could be shown alongside the leading names in international
contemporary photography to coincide with Les Rencontres d’Arles 2020.

About 1854 Media & British Journal of Photography:

1854 Media is an award-winning digital media organisation with a global audience of
photographers, arts lovers and industry experts.
At 1854’s core is British Journal of Photography, the world’s longest running photography
title, which has been showcasing pioneers of the art form since 1854. It manifests in a
monthly publication that takes an international perspective on contemporary
photography, focusing on fine art and documentary, and the cutting edge of editorial
and commercial practices. It has also created internationally renowned photography
awards – including OpenWalls, Portrait of Britain™, Female in Focus, BJP International
Photography Award, and Portrait of Humanity™ all of which aim to discover and
promote new talent.
Our visual content agency, Studio 1854, helps brands use the power of photography and
video to cultivate and engage larger audiences, by leveraging our relationships with the
world’s top photographic influencers and our understanding of the visual content that
engages them.

About Galerie Huit Arles

Located in the centre of Arles, Galerie Huit Arles has gained international attention for
its combination of classic architectural styling, and the latest in contemporary art and
photography. Its atmospheric, salon-style approach to exhibitions is the committed
work of author, curator and heritage conservationist, Julia de Bierre, who founded the
gallery in 2007.In the decade since its inception, Galerie Huit Arles has grown into a leading
photographic force within Arles, attracting emerging and established names from
across the globe to its remarkable 17th century setting.



Melanie Philippe -
Creative Development Director

Héloise Winstone -
Project and Partnership Manager

Julia de Bierre –

Gallerist in Arles, co-curator OpenWallsArles2021

Galerie Huit Arles 8, rue de la Calade 13200 Arles, France +33 (0) 6 82 04 39 60  ©2021 par Galerie Huit Arles /  termes et conditions

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